Bible Trivia Online
Note: Please don't share any login or passwords with friends or family as parts of this website are private to approved website members.
1. To keep any copyright viewing of shared videos legal.
2. To keep any member shared details private.
Thank you
Website Admin Starr
Hi all in times of physical distancing It is important we stay connected socially, so I have created a online games room where we can interact playing games together.
This event is for 25 Apr 2020 2pm-3pm (now finished)
1. Please listen to and respect the host.
2. The host will direct who answers the question.
3. Your name is your buzzer.
4. You get one try per question to answer which must start within 3 seconds of your buzzer.
5. You cannot ask for the question to be repeated once you buzz in.
6. Your answer may differ from the answer the host has (the host will decide if your answer is correct according to what she has, please respect it).
Remember its not about winning, but about having fun and fellowship together.
Please click on the link below and follow the instruction for downloading and installing Zoom on you PC/Laptop/Phone/Tablet.
1. Any zoom conference (which is what we are using) is best used on a laptop or PC, as you can set it up to see all of the players at once, but you can join by tablet or phone too.
2. Get as close to the WIFI router/modem/access point as you can for faster connection and less glitching.
3. Try and have a window or light in front of you so your picture is clear to everyone.
Privacy Policy
Please be aware that this game will be recorded and portions of it may be added to our services and website for reference and encouragement purposes.
Game Footage and Winners